Saturday, July 26, 2014
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Detox Pads for Kids
Applying our Detox pads is like receiving 24 hours reflexology treatment. Reflexology is an ancient healing art, using a specialized version of compression and touch that focuses on the feet. Reflex points in the in the feet reflect the entire body, and stimulating these reflex points promotes equilibrium in the corresponding area of the body.
Detox Pads 2 -
A Detox Pad or more commonly known as foot pads (patches) or sap sheets, is made from totally natural tree and bamboo extracts. It is the culmination of centuries of knowledge known to the Japanese, and has been passed down through the generations.
It is reputed to relieve fatigue, joint pain, headaches, skin rashes and many other health problems. Apply our Detox Pads (patches) on the bottom of both feet, before bed, and experience better sleep and wake feeling totally refreshed the following morning. Visit
Detox Pads -
A Detox Pad or more commonly known as foot pads (patches) or sap sheets, is made from totally natural tree and bamboo extracts. It is the culmination of centuries of knowledge known to the Japanese, and has been passed down through the generations.
It is reputed to relieve fatigue, joint pain, headaches, skin rashes and many other health problems. Apply our Detox Pads (patches) on the bottom of both feet, before bed, and experience better sleep and wake feeling totally refreshed the following morning. Visit (more)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
by Dr. Wulf Dröge, Ph.D
Senior Vice-President, Research & Development, Immunotec Research Ltd.
The first important finding dates back to 1954 when “free radicals”, i.e. a highly aggressive type of small chemical molecules, were first discovered in living tissues. In view of the chemically aggressive nature of free radicals, Dr. Denham Harman proposed in 1954 that aging may be — at least to a large extent — the consequence of free-radical-inflicted tissue damage. The antioxidant vitamins C and E function as radical scavengers and ameliorate thereby, the oxidative damage by oxygen radicals. The widely popular use of these vitamins illustrates the awareness of this health hazard in the general public. Fewpeople know, however, that the free-radical scavenger and antioxidant glutathione is quantitatively far more important than the widely known vitamins C and E. Because Immunocal is an excellent source of the glutathione precursor cysteine, I proposed some years ago that Immunocal may also have ‘anti-aging' properties in addition to its well-known effect on the immune system.
Another most surprising discovery by Cynthia Kenyon and her colleagues in 1993 had an even stronger impact on our current concepts of aging. The work of Kenyon on the round worm C.elegans and similar studies by other laboratories on worms, fruit flies, and mice revealed that the life span of these animals could be increased by up to 2.5-fold and more by mutating a single gene. A corresponding life span extension in humans would correspond to a life span of more than 200 years. Not surprisingly, the discovery of these longevity mutants has led to a tremendous hype and unreasonable speculations about human immortality. It also led to a flood of venture capital into small companies which promised to develop drugs against aging. Of course, we should be cautious not to fall into the trap of unreasonable expectations. But there is reason for optimism.
Most people know what a gene is. They know that our genes control the color of our eyes and the shape of our head and they know that if a child is born with a defect in a certain gene, this defect is typically associated with a certain disease which tells us exactly what the function of that gene is. It was, therefore, most surprising that a defect in certain genes can cause an increase in life span and simultaneously ameliorate the aging-related functional decline. We cannot expect to extend our own life span by selectively mutating one of our genes. But we have learned in the course of these studies some important details of the mechanisms of aging. It was particularly satisfying for us at Immunotec to see that the mechanisms which were revealed by these studies on so-called longevity mutants are intimately linked to the availability of cysteine and glutathione. By supplying additional cysteine as a source of glutathione, we can expect to interact directly with these mechanisms of aging at very specific points.
Knowing this, we have to think about the optimal way of enhancing the cysteine supply. This is not as trivial a problem as it might seem at face value. Simply doubling daily food intake, for example, would create more problems than benefits. By developing Immunocal, Dr. Gustavo Bounous provided an invaluable tool for enhancing our cellular glutathione pool, but there was room for further improvement to strengthen its effect as an anti-aging product. To optimize the beneficial effects of Immunocal for those of us who are no longer in our twenties, we have to combine Immunocal with other ingredients. The new Immunocal Platinum formula is a big step forward as it contains additional ingredients which render this formula more effective and safe over long periods of time. These improvements are based on solid science. But concepts for the next generation of an anti-aging product are already in progress. It would be unreasonable to dream about human immortality. But our growing understanding of the aging process leads us to believe that the quality of life in old age can be significantly improved even during our own lifetime.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
The "Wellness" Movement

A new century has dawned and with it a new current in health and vitality. North American society is experiencing an historic shift from a reactive to a proactive approach to maintaining fitness and wellbeing.
This trend is spurred by a growing interest in integrative medicine, an approach to health that treats the whole person, not just the illness. In 1990, one-third of Americans were adopting an integrative approach to health. In fact, a 1993 landmark study by Dr David Eisenberg revealed that an astonishing one in three Americans had used some form of alternative or complementary medicine. By 2010, two-thirds of Americans will be turning to integrative medicine.
Patients want physicians who take time with them, listen and explain the nature of their problem, who are aware of nutritional influences on health, who will not push drugs and surgery as the only approach to treating illness. Many practitioners think these are very reasonable requests. Hospitals and medical schools are now embracing complementary, alternative and integrative medicine. And Congress has allocated a budget of over $100 million for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) to fund hundreds of research projects around the nation.
According to world-renowned economist, expert and author Paul Zane Pilzer, people are participating in droves in the integrative movement by taking preventive measures against health problems. Health spending is moving from addressing existing health problems to a proactive approach. The wellness industry is already a $200 billion industry. And Pilzer predicts that by 2010 in the U.S. alone, wellness will be a $1.5 trillion industry.
What are people spending on? Much of the wellness industry’s revenue comes from vitamin sales and health club memberships, and the list of products and services people are using to maintain their health is growing. This growth confirms that this is not just a trend; it’s a new approach to life and health.
People are looking for clinically proven, natural products that will improve their health and help them feel younger. This is an industry that’s exploding and has not yet peaked. The trend shows no sign of waning because it’s the baby boomers that are driving it. As this huge demographic group ages, the wellness industry will only grow stronger.
Immunotec’s line of health-promoting products are positioned to capitalize on this trend by giving people the natural, clinically tested products they are looking for ways to improve their overall well-being. Part of the wellness movement, Immunotec’s products are a healthy approach to weight loss, nutrition and looking and feeling good.
This movement is a golden opportunity: for health, for energy and for success.
Weight Loss

The bad news? The number of people with weight loss issues is growing every year. Results of a Harris Poll conducted in 2002 show that 80 percent of people over 25 are overweight based on the body mass index (BMI), a guideline computed through a combination of weight and height.
The good news? Sixty percent of the people surveyed in this poll said they would like to start a weight loss program, including 72 percent of those who are overweight.
Americans want to lose weight to feel better and prevent disease, and they’re willing to invest their time and their money to do so. Between 1990 and 1997, for example, there was an 85% increase in the number of Americans who work out at home. And with 10,000 baby boomers reaching middle age every day, the weight loss battle is being waged in homes across the United States.
Being overweight or obese is associated with some very serious health consequences: cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis, breathing problems, and psychological disorders such as depression. So a decision to lose weight is not just a matter of appearance, it’s a matter of good health.
With the Internet and other sources of information, consumers now have the resources to educate themselves about their health and are becoming empowered to take control. They’re trying to improve their nutrition and lose weight…naturally.
Immunotec’s line of health-promoting products are one of the sources people are turning to for increased weight loss and increased vitality, because Immunotec’s products have science and good sense in their corner. This is not just a trend. It’s a change for the better.